Stories of people from our beloved planet earth.

– Jan 2024

The podcast series Dazwischen tells stories of migration in Switzerland. Guests share personal accounts of leaving their home countries, the challenges of starting anew, and the search for belonging. The podcast highlights the challenges of migration, the quest for belonging, and the reality of living between two worlds.

In the first episode, Marion, a German citizen, recounts her upbringing in East Germany and her journey to life in Switzerland.

– Nov 2024

“Der Fluch von meinem Volk ist, dass ich in 20 Jahren vielleicht alles stehen und liegen lassen und weg muss.”

In the second episode of the series "Dazwischen," Micha, a student from Zurich, shares his experience of living as a Jew in Switzerland during the ongoing war in the Near East. He discusses the Jewish culture in Zurich, the impact of the conflict on the local community, and the rising tide of antisemitism.